We’ve seen it time and time again. Guy goes to car event. Guy gets inspired at said car event. Guy leaves car event very inspired and crashes car horribly.
This video is no different, except the car in question is lovely new BMW M4. We’d prefer it be an old Civic or GTi or something.
As the idiot person leaves the Cars & Coffee event in California, US all seems fine until they put there put down in the 317kW coupe. What happens is the classic ‘I-don’t-have-enough-talent-to-control-this-car’ scenario, as the driver is rendered useless as the M4 fishtails and ploughs into the centre median.
Luckily both car and driver and any other possible road users are all unharmed. The only damage done, is to the beautiful Sakhir Orange M4 and no doubt the driver’s ego.
Lesson: Slow down when you leave an event and there are many camera’s rolling. Or, make sure you have the talent to back up the hardware.